Friday, 17 May 2013

Writing workshops: Setting the scene, Literary Bootcamp and Self-publishing

Sunday 16th June at Felixstowe library is all about your writing!

Come along to these great workshops to help improve your craft:

9.30 - 11am Author Rosy Thornton facilitates a workshop exploring the challenges of establishing a setting in the mind of the reader. *More details about this workshop can be found below.

11 - 1pm Author Sara Sheridan will hold a 'literary bootcamp' for writers who are struggling to write. Planning techniques, discipline, PR strategy and securing an agent will be covered so by the end of the bootcamp you should have a plan that works for you.

2.30 - 3.30pm Queen of self publishing, writer Linda Gillard will talk about self publishing, from writing and editing to marketing, design and getting those all important reviews.

*Additional information for Rosy Thornton's workshop*

“The impression produced by a landscape, a street or a house should always, to the novelist, be an event in the history of a soul, and the use of the ‘descriptive passage’, and its style should be determined by the fact that it must depict only what the intelligence concerned would have noticed, and always in terms within the register of that intelligence.” (Edith Wharton, The Writing of Fiction).

This workshop will explore in a practical context the challenges of establishing setting in the mind of the reader.

What is the relationship of setting to character and viewpoint? How can landscape be used to reflect mood, heighten emotion or enhance dramatic tension? What specific methods may be employed to conjure setting in the reader’s imagination without resort to excessively long description?

Other particular issues may be addressed, according to participants’ preferences. For example:

          Writing a story with a foreign setting
          Conveying historical settings
          World-building for fantasy, sci fi or futuristic stories

Participants will be invited to submit in advance (anonymised if desired) a sample of their writing in which setting or landscape are described; these will be used as a basis for feedback and discussion.Writing exercises will also be undertaken during the workshop.

Submissions should be 1000 words and sent by 1st June to and she will give feedback on as many as possible in the workshop. 

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